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2023 SZU Admission Brochure for the Bachelor Program of International Students
Author:        Time:2022-12-26 10:17        hits:

一、专业 Programs

(一)中文授课专业Programs taught in Chinese

1. 国际交流学院 College of International Exchange      

汉语言文学[大三分专业方向(商务、语言与文化)]Chinese Language and Literature [Students will choose their specialty in their third year (Commercial Affairs, Language and Culture)]

汉语国际教育Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

2. 材料学院 College of Materials Science and Engineering

材料科学与工程  Materials Science and Engineering

高分子材料与工程 Polymer Materials and Engineering

3. 传播学院 School of Media and Communication

网络与新媒体 The Internet and New Media

4. 电子与信息工程学院College of Electronics and Information Engineering

电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering

通信工程Communications Engineering

电子科学与技术Electronic Science and Technology

微电子科学与工程 Microelectronic Science and Engineering

5. 法学院Law School      

法学 Law

6. 管理学院 College of Management      

工商管理 Business Administration

电子商务 Electronic Commerce

人力资源管理 Human Resource Management

市场营销 Marketing Management

信息管理与信息系统 Information Management and Information System

7. 化学与环境工程学院College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering

化学 Chemistry

环境工程 Environmental Science and Engineering

新能源科学与工程 New Energy Science and Engineering

8. 机电与控制工程学院 College of Mechatronics and Control Engineering

机器人工程Robotic Engineering

机械设计制造及其自动化Mechanical Design Manufacturing And Automation

自动化 Automation

9. 计算机与软件学院College of Computer Science and Software Engineering

计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology

10. 教育学部Faculty of Education

教育技术学Educational Technology

学前教育Early Childhood Education

11. 经济学院 College of Economics

国际经济与贸易 International Economics and Trade

12. 数学与统计学院College of Mathematics And Statistics

数学与应用数学Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

数学与应用数学(师范) Mathematical Education

统计学 Statistics

信息与计算科学 Information and Computing Science

13. 木与交通工程学院 College of Civil and Transportation Engineering

交通工程 Transportation Engineering

工程管理 Project Management

14. 外国语学院School of Foreign Languages      

英语 English

日语 Japanese

法语 French

德语 German

西班牙语 Spanish

15. 艺术学部 Division of Arts      

美术学(需要专业测试)(大三分专业方向:国画、油画、版画、雕塑 ) Fine Arts (Specialized test is required.)

(Students will choose their specialty in their third year: Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture )


Design(Specialized test is required.) [Students will choose their specialty in their sophomore year: Art Design (Creative Planning and Design Management),Visual Communication Design, Environmental Design,Product Design, Clothing and Apparel Design, Digital Media Art ]

表演(影视戏剧)(需要专业测试) Acting (Film, Television and Theatre) (Specialized test is required.)

舞蹈编导(需要专业测试) Choreography (Specialized test is required.)

音乐表演(声乐演唱) (需要专业测试) Music Performance (Vocal Music Singing) (Specialized test is required.)

音乐表演(器乐演奏) (需要专业测试) Music Performance (Instrumental Performance) (Specialized test is required.)

音乐表演(音乐编创) (需要专业测试)Music Performance (Music Creation) (Specialized test is required.)

音乐表演(流行演唱)(需要专业测试) Music Performance (Popular Music Performance) (Specialized test is required.)

音乐表演(流行器乐演奏) (需要专业测试)Music Performance (Popular Instrumental Performance) (Specialized test is required.)

播音与主持艺术(需要专业测试) Broadcasting and Hosting Art (Specialized test is required.)

音乐学(师范)(需要专业测试)Musicology (Teacher Education)(Specialized test is required.)

16. 政府管理学院 School of Government

行政管理 Administrative Management

社会学 Sociology

(二)英文授课专业Programs taught in English

1. 管理学院 College of Management

工商管理 International Business Administration

2. 经济学 College of Economics

国际经济与贸易International Economics and Trade

二、学习方式和学习年限  Type and Duration of the Programs

1. 学习方式为全日制。

Type of the programs: full-time

2. 学习年限一般为4年,最长不超过8年。

Duration of the programs: Four years (a maximum of 8 years)

三、申请资格 Eligibility

1. 申请人须是非中国国籍公民,持有效外国护照,身体健康,品行端正,遵守中国法律、法规和学校的规章制度。

Applicants must be citizens with a valid foreign passport (whose nationalities are not People’s Republic of China). He / She should be in good health conditions and of good conduct. He / She should also abide by the Chinese laws, regulations and the rules of the university.

2. 高中毕业及以上学历(申请时尚未毕业须提供预毕业证明,最迟在入学前取得高中毕业证书)。

Applicants should be graduated from high school or above (Applicants who are still in the last year of high school can provide expected graduation certificate for submitting application while the official graduation certificate must be provided before enrollment).

3. 满足相应的语言水平要求(证书须在有效期内)

Applicants should meet the corresponding language level requirements (The language proficiency certificate must be within the validity period).

(1)中文授课专业Programs taught in Chinese:


HSK 5 with scores above 180 (Excluding Chinese Language and Literature )

(2)英文授课专业Programs taught in English:


IELTS 5.5 or above, TOEFL IBT80 or above

* 母语为汉语或英语者经771771威尼斯.cmApp校认定可免交相应语言水平证明。

Native speakers of Chinese or English can be exempted from the corresponding language proficiency certificate after being recognized by our university.

4. 符合教育部教外函【2020】12号文件规定。

Comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Education's document [2020] No.12.


The No.12 Document of 2020 issued by the Ministry of Education, PRC is administered by the University. Two important items of the Document are to note. First, according to Article 5 of Nationality Law of The People's Republic of China, a person whose parents are both Chinese nationals and have both settled abroad, or one of whose parents is a Chinese national and has settled abroad, and who has acquired foreign nationality at birth shall not have Chinese nationality. Since 2021, those applying to study at universities or junior colleges as international students, should satisfy the following additional requirements: the applicants must hold valid foreign passport or other relevant international recognized documents for at least 4 years; meanwhile, in the latest 4 years (by each April 30th of the year of University registration), the applicants must live overseas for 2 years (Living overseas for 9 months can be converted to 1 year, which is subject to the exit-entry stamp on visa.). Second, those who immigrated to other countries from the Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan and apply to study as international students at universities or junior colleges of China are required to satisfy the requirement of the first item.

四、申请时间及流程 Application Time and Method

(一)申请时间 Application Time

2月21日-5月15日    From February 21 to May 15

(二)申请流程 Application Procedure

1. 请登陆771771威尼斯.cmApp网站/ 在线报名。

Please log on website of CIE: to register online.

2. 进入系统填写个人信息和签证信息,按要求上传材料,提交申请。

Log in system and fill in personal information and visa information, upload documents as required, then submit application.

五、申请材料  Application Materials


Please prepare the following materials before applying:

1. 高中毕业证书、成绩单原件扫描件,应届生可提供就读高中出具的预毕业证明。(入学前必须取得毕业证书,入学时将查验)

Scanned copy of high school certification and transcript. Recent graduates shall provide pre-graduation certificate which shows your expected graduation time and present the original high school certification, transcripts, and their translations when you register.

2. 护照个人信息页

 Photo Copy of Passport Info Page

3. 护照照片

Passport Photo

4. 语言水平证明 (证书须在有效期内)

Language Proficiency Certificate (The language proficiency certificate must be within the validity period)

(1)中文授课专业Programs taught in Chinese:


HSK 5 with scores above 180 (Excluding Chinese Language and Literature )

(2)英文授课专业Programs taught in English:


IELTS 5.5 or above, TOEFL IBT 80 or above (Excluding English native speaker)

5. 外国人体检报告

Foreigner Physical Examination Form

6. 个人履历(从小学至今)

Resume (from primary school to now)

7. 申请广东省政府来粤留学生奖学金者需提供两封学校或任课老师推荐信(推荐人签字并注明电子邮箱和联系电话)。

Two Recommendation Letters should be provided if applying for Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship. (email, phone number and signature should be included.)

8. 申请广东省政府来粤留学生奖学金者需提供来华学习计划 (500字左右)。

Study Plan should be provided if applying for Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship (around 500 words).

* 除上述申请材料外,申请人须根据771771威尼斯.cmApp校的要求,按时提交其他补充材料。

In addition to the application materials detailed above, applicants should submit other supplementary materials in time to the requirements of SZU.

* 以上材料均须中文或英文版本,其他语种须提供翻译件的公证件。

Documents other than Chinese or English are required to be translated and notarized.

* 申请材料不全者不予受理。不论录取与否,以上材料一律不予退还。

Applicants who provide incomplete materials will not be accepted. The materials above won’t be returned whether you are admitted or not.

六、录取流程Admission Procedure

1. 申请截止后,各专业学院组织专家评审小组对申请资料进行专业审核,如有需要,可安排远程或当面面试。

After the application deadline, professional colleges will organize a panel of experts to review the application documents. During the process, long-distance or face-to-face interviews will be conducted, if necessary.

2. 6月,预录取结果将以邮件形式通知学生。

In June, pre-admission results will be sent to applicants by email.

3. 7月,确定最终录取的学生名单,并按照学生提供的邮寄地址寄送录取材料原件。

In July, after confirmation of the list of admitted applicants, admission packages will be posted to the address provided by the applicants.

4. 被录取的学生持《录取通知书》和来华学习签证申请表(JW202)到中国使馆申请X1签证,在抵达中国后30天内将X1签证转换成学习类居留许可,逾期未办理相关手续者,将做退学处理。学校不接受持非学习类签证的学生报到入学。

Students who are accepted should apply for the X1 visa at their country’s Chinese Embassy (or Chinese Consulate) with “Shenzhen University Admission Notice” and “Visa Application for Study in China(JW202)”, and change X1 visa into a Residence Permit for Foreign Students within 30 days after entering China. Students who don’t apply for the relevant visa and residence permit will have to drop out. SZU doesn’t accept students with non-student visas.

5. 被录取的学生须根据《录取通知书》上报到日期和地点来校报到注册,不接受学生提前报到。

Students who are accepted must register at the date and the address according to “Shenzhen University Admission Notice”. Registration in advance will not be accepted. 

6. 报到时将核验毕业证书原件、语言水平证书等。未能提供证书或证书核验不通过者,将被取消录取资格。

The original graduation certificate, language proficiency certificate, etc. will be checked again at the time of registration. Those who fail to provide certificate document or fail the certificate verification will be canceled the admission.

七、费用 Fees

1.  报名费:200元

Application Fee: 200RMB

2. 学费Tuition Fee


Liberal arts: 26,000 RMB/person/year


Science & Engineering: 30,000RMB/person/year

医学、艺术、体育类: 40000RMB/每人/每学年

Medicine, Arts, Physical: 40,000 RMB/person/year

3. 住宿与保险 Accommodation and Insurance

(1)住宿: 校内宿舍设置单人间和双人间可供选择,费用为2400-8000RMB/人/学期。(水电费另外计收)

Accommodation: single rooms and double rooms are available. The fees vary from 2,400 to 8,000 RMB for per student per semester. (Water and electricity charges are not included) 


Insurance: 400RMB/semester. International students should purchase the group all-risk insurance designated by SZU. Students are required to purchase insurance from the College of International Exchange on registration day. Those who do not purchase the insurance as required will not be able to get registered.

八、可申请的奖学金Available Scholarship


奖项说明Scholarship Description


Provincial Scholarship


Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship, 10000RMB per year.


Municipal Scholarship


Shenzhen Universiade Scholarship,40000 RMB per year.


University-level scholarship


Freshman Scholarship,10000RMB


Academic Merit Scholarship, 4000-10000RMB per year.

九、联系方式 Contact Information


Add: 3rd Floor, Zonghe building, Shenzhen University, 3688 Nanhai Ave, Shenzhen, Guangdong  518060

电话: 0086-755-26558894

Tel: 0086-755-26558894




