序号 No. |
学院(部) Faculty |
专业 Program |
备注 Note |
1 |
771771威尼斯.cmApp College of International Exchange |
汉语言文学 Chinese language and Literature |
大三分专业方向(商务、语言与文化) Students will choose their specialty in their third year (Commercial Affairs、Language and Culture) |
2 |
汉语国际教育 Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages |
3 |
传播学院 School of Media and Communication |
网络与新媒体 The Internet and New Media |
4 |
电子与信息工程学院 College of Electronics and Information Engineering |
电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering |
5 |
通信工程 Communications Engineering |
6 |
电子科学与技术 Electronic Science andTechnology |
7 |
微电子科学与工程 MicroelectronicScience and Engineering |
8 |
法学院 Law School |
法学 Law |
9 |
管理学院 College of Management |
工商管理(国际班) International Business Administration |
英文授课 Taught in English |
10 |
工商管理 Business Administration |
11 |
电子商务 Electronic Commerce |
12 |
人力资源管理 Human Resource Management |
13 |
市场营销 Marketing |
14 |
信息管理与信息系统 Information Management and Information Systems |
15 |
化学与环境工程学院 College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering |
化学 Chemistry |
16 |
环境工程 Environmental Science and Engineering |
17 |
新能源科学与工程 New Energy Science and Engineering |
18 |
食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering |
19 |
计算机与软件学院 College of Computer Science and Software Engineering |
计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology |
20 |
教育学部 Faculty of Education |
教育技术学 Educational Technology |
21 |
学前教育 Early Childhood Education |
22 |
经济学院 College of Economics |
国际经济与贸易 International Economics and Trade |
英文授课 Taught in English |
23 |
数学科学学院 School of Mathematical Sciences |
数学与应用数学 Mathematics and Applied Mathematics |
24 |
数学与应用数学(师范) Mathematical Education |
25 |
统计学 Statistics |
26 |
信息与计算科学 Information and Computing Science |
27 |
土木与交通工程学院 College of Civil and Transportation Engineering |
智慧交通 Smart Transportation |
28 |
工程管理 Engineering management |
29 |
土木工程 Civil Engineering |
30 |
智能建造 Intelligent Construction |
31 |
外国语学院 Collge of International Studies |
英语 English |
32 |
日语 Japanese |
33 |
法语 French |
34 |
德语 German |
35 |
西班牙语 Spanish |
36 |
微众银行金融科技学院 Webank Institute of Financial Technology |
金融科技 Financial Technology |
37 |
艺术学部 Division of Arts |
美术学 Fine Arts |
需要专业测试。大三分专业方向(国画、油画、版画、雕塑)。 Specialized test is required.Students will choose their specialty in their third year (Traditional Chinese Painting, Oil Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture ). |
38 |
设计学类 Design |
需要专业测试。大二分专业:艺术设计学(创意策划与设计管理);视觉传达设计;环境设计;产品设计;服装与服饰设计;数字媒体艺术。Specialized test is required.Students will choose their specialty in their sophomore year: Art Design (Creative Planning and Design Management),Visual Communication Design, Environmental Design,Product Design, Clothing and Apparel Design, Environmental Design, Animation |
39 |
表演(影视戏剧) Acting (Film, Television and Theatre) |
需要专业测试 Specialized test is required |
40 |
舞蹈编导 Choreography |
41 |
音乐表演(声乐演唱) Music Performance (Vocal Performance) |
42 |
音乐表演(器乐演奏) Music Performance (Instrumental Performance) |
43 |
音乐表演(音乐编创) Music Performance (Music Creation) |
44 |
音乐表演(流行演唱) Music Performance (Popular Music Performance) |
45 |
播音与主持艺术 Broadcasting and Hosting Art |
46 |
音乐学(师范) Musicology (Teacher Education) |
47 |
政府管理学院 School of Government |
行政管理 Public Administration |
48 |
社会学 Sociology |
49 |
心理学院 College of Psychology |
心理学 Psychology |